'and forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the wind longs to play in your hair ' - Kathil Gibran

Hi, I’m Evelyn
So more and more, what I have found, is that beneath the surface of the everyday, lies a rich inner world just waiting to be explored. By using the inspiration of my daily sea walks and the landscape of the Garden county, it constantly gives me a rich outer resource that pours through me and so into my paintings. It is certainly the beauty of the sea, that has come to feed the process now and my passion and need to create , what it leaves in me beneath my own surface.
I try to allow my hands access, to move and translate what I have found on this outside and bring it to an internal place of what is left with me.
Through mark making, I build up layers of colour and texture that I hope reflect my emotional reaction to the residue it has left and to try show a place that reflects the soul of what I see and experience.

As an artist, I am especially drawn to the mesmerizing imagery of the sea and the landscape of Co Wicklow. I layer in oil colours, sometimes thick, sometimes transparent. I play with space and contrast, the solid with the ephemeral, the fixed with the fluid, sometimes even the small object balanced against the expanse of space, that is the sea.
There is often areas of high texture balanced against a calm smooth surface within my paintings. Blue tends to be ever present in my work and on nearly everythiing I own now - myself included, after a day in the studio !!
I hope through my work, I can connect
on a deeper level with my viewer and draw in other fellow sensitive thinkers to evoke conversations about what they see and feel from my work. And in time, to allow for a sharing of tiny fragments of their & my life and story.
Our Souls desire is for each of us to evolve. It will lead you to the
unknown. Ask you quietly to go towards the places that are unfamiliar, mysterious and wildly spacious.

Like many of us, there was a period in my life that I lost contact and touch with my art practice. Life has a way of taking you off in many a directions. It was only in late 2021, I found myself returning to it and to a vow never to allow the creative process not form part of my every day. I have learnt slowly that you don’t have seek that perfect time to make work and follow your passion. A little bit everyday is all it takes. It is truly the process of doing that makes the work evolve for me now. What I needed to do was to believe in myself and just do it, spend the time – and then do a little a bit more each day.
Now, it is my truest friend. It really is through the process of making that the truth of what it is really going on for me often reveals itself. Its that connection to my soul that matters to me and makes me feel connected not only to myself but all that is around me. Evelyn